Category: Meta

Image Credit: Hugo Logo by Steve Francia
Playing With Hugo
I got really tired of my WordPress website, so I decided it was time to rebuild the whole thing. Again. I have basically been using it as a static site. In part because I really don’t like using the Gutenberg editor that comes with WordPress.
I have tried static site generators before. In particular Jekyll, which I used for some project sites in my previous job. I have also used Sphinx a great deal for writing documentation.

Image Credit: Public Domain (CC0)
Making a New Website
I decided to begin writing again, feeling I needed a website for my thoughts and my projects. I’ve had a number of blogs before, and in the end I’ve stopped paying for their hosting and they’ve faded into internet history. But I love writing, and a blog is a nice outlet for when I don’t want to sit down and work on my larger writing projects.
This time I want to try a different approach.